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4 Myths about batteries smart devices can for the first time you hear it

There are many brothers and followers who may believe some of the myths that what we say legends and that is dumped on the battery .. I mean are already may be true, but with this informational evolution in which we live in the present time some properties, which some might think it is correct may be non-originally real.
Today, I know you will about 4 Legends and myths are traded is very large and that most of the ideas and false information are not unfounded

 The first belief which does not unfounded is the idea of putting batteries either own phones or laptop computers in the fridge !! Yes there who puts the battery in the refrigerator or radiator in the belief that he will restore the efficiency of the battery that has become weak and ineffective operate efficiently is very weak

Among the common misconceptions and beliefs that also let the phone and shipping for a very long period may damage the battery completely this wrong! Of course, you will say to me 'Why?' I'll give you, dear reader, the original Vbatarriet soon as they arrive to 100% stop the charging process completely and not allow the passage of electric power for the phone here speak and I identify that this technique is present on the smart phone batteries .. 'original batteries' counterfeit Vbatriaat of course, would be destroyed when you stopped phone ship for very long and surpassed the 100%

Contrary to what many users thought it must offload a full battery to 0% and then Shara in re-shipped, it will enhance the efficiency of the battery, and this is totally a misconception because it will return a negative, and even hurt the battery the phone because it is better not to leave the battery goes down or retreat about 20% and this is what recommended by major manufacturers for smartphones international companies

You may hear if passed, you piece of information I think that many of the Brotherhood they know and are when you buy a new phone is used again and as we say out of the oven, tells you the seller does not use the phone at first glance, but leave it for 3 hours at least and is shipped and this in fact is due to the time of the Nokia 3210: D, because in the past years was the calibration feature is found at the phones then-.. but with informational evolution smart Cel- become never need to leave your phone and is shipping if you want to use it for the first time and it is not originally necessary because the calibration feature automatically effecting the new smart phones



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